Does your dog have any of these behavioral issues? Click on the little dog on the right-hand side to expand and read the description.

Reactive or aggressive behavior towards people or other animals

Growling, barking, lunging, and biting when exposed to people or other animals are all examples of reactivity

Resource Guarding

Your dog shows signs of discomfort or reactivity when a person or other animal approaches while he has possession of something he perceives is valuable (food, toy, or sometimes a random item)

Separation Anxiety

Your dog is not comfortable when you leave home – may be mild, such as whining or pacing, all the way up the scale to inflicting harm to himself or causing physical destruction in the home

Fearful or anxious behavior

Your dog exhibits fearful or nervous behavior when presented with new environments, new people or other animals, loud noises, thunderstorms, at the vets, or any sudden environmental changes

Jumpy, mouthy or other over-aroused behaviors

Typical play behaviors that have gone a bit over the top, we see this often in adolescent dogs who just haven’t learned how to appropriately interact with people or other animals

Multi-dog household challenges

Preventing resource guarding, creating appropriate play situations, helping all the resident animals get along, and dealing with the challenge of ensuring that each dog is getting all their needs met

Housetraining challenges

Whether it’s a puppy or an older dog who has just joined your family, we can help you understand how to teach your dog where it is appropriate to eliminate and where it isn’t

Your Consultation 

Beth will meet with you in your home for an initial 1.5 hour consultation that will include acquiring an in-depth assessment of your dog’s history, including medical, as well as a review of the challenges you and your dog are currently facing. The focus in the initial consultation is on helping you to understand the “why” behind why these challenges are occurring, determining what your specific goals are, and providing you with an individual plan to address the needs of the dog and the family as a whole.

After the initial consultation, Beth will provide an individual behavior modification plan, as well as ongoing support via email and/or phone. Although some behaviors can be addressed in that initial consultation, in most cases, one or more follow-up visits will be advised as these behaviors tend to be long-term patterns that may take longer to modify.

Beth relies on education-based, humane, ethical, positive reinforcement based training in order to best help her human and canine clients. Her goal is focused on helping build your dog’s confidence and improve communication between you and your dog. The emphasis is on treating the dog as a whole, encompassing physical and psychological well-being, and ensuring that you have an overall understanding of how best to meet your dog’s individual needs, allowing him or her not just to exist, but to thrive in your family and in the human world.


Schedule Your Dog’s Behavioral Consult Today!