We are building a relationship with a partner and training is a part of that. Whether your dog is a young adolescent or a senior, working and learning together is one of the greatest joys of developing the human/canine bond.

When we think about training our dogs, most people think of behaviors such as “sit,” “down,” and “come.” And while those are all well and good, we need to think about WHY we are training those behaviors. Our goal is to set our dogs up to be successful living in the human world, so we want to explore what behaviors are important in YOUR life, not just look at a cookie cutter list of things to do.


Just like we teach toddlers to be nice to others, don’t talk with your mouth open, say “Hi, nice to meet you” when you’re introduced to someone, we want to teach our dogs things like proper greetings (no, flinging yourself at new people is not appropriate), how to walk nicely through the world (nope, you can’t drag me over to that other dog you want to say hi), and so on. Teaching our dogs core behaviors enriches both our lives and theirs, allowing them more freedom and the opportunity for more varied experiences.

 There are five core behaviors that all dogs will benefit from. We call these “Five to Survive” and they are:

  • Attention – In order for us to teach our dogs, we actually need them to pay attention to us!
  • Recall – A recall is when our dog comes back to us when we call him. This is a potentially life-saving behavior. Knowing they’ll come to us when we see danger approaching allows our dogs a greater level of freedom.
  • Loose Leash Walking – We all want a dog we can take out and about with us without being dragged down the street or the trail.
  • Leave It – There are things, hopefully many, that our dogs can have. And then, there are the things they can’t. This behavior will help you communicate with your dog, letting them know what they can and cannot safely have.
  • Settle – Just like us, dogs need the ability to settle down calmly, whether it’s waiting for their turn, or just hanging out while we make dinner.

Your Consultation

Beth will meet with you in your home for an initial 1.5 hour consultation that will include assessing your dog, demonstrating training exercises, learning how to successfully reinforce the behaviors we love and how to help prevent your dog practicing less desirable behaviors.

After the initial consultation, Beth will provide an individual behavior plan, as well as ongoing support via email and/or phone. A follow-up visit will be scheduled three to four weeks after the first visit, in order to address any questions that arise or challenges that might be occurring.

Beth relies on education-based, humane, ethical, positive reinforcement-based training to best assist her human and canine clients. Her goal is to help enhance your dog’s confidence and foster improved communication between you and your furry companion. The emphasis lies in treating the dog as a whole, considering their physical and psychological well-being. By ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding of how to meet your dog’s unique needs, you can enable them to not just exist, but to truly thrive within your family and the human world.

Schedule Your Dog’s Basic Manners Consultation Today!